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By in New Experiences

Hiya! I’m Lauren, I’m sorry to say that this video is not entirely true, me and my little brother, Joshua,don’t save sharks 24/7… I wish we did! A little while ago now, me, mum, dad and Josh went to Blue Planet Aquarium to go shark diving! ( Diving with sharks in a tank). Some people seem to think that this was a life-threatening experience and when I tell people I did this I often get looks like : 0_0 “How are you still ALIVE?”. I suppose this comes from the stereotype that sharks are deadly and ALWAYS eat people. To be honest, when people say things like ” AAAH! SHARK! IT’S GONNA EAT US ALL!” I get very annoyed! Sharks would much rather eat fish than children in wetsuits! I don’t live anywhere near a place where sharks are wild, so I only know that sharks only attack when they have been harmed or they think you are a fish… DON’T WEAR WHITE UNDERWATER! Even so, it was an amazing experience to see SO MANY FISH! Although, there were two eels that kind of… freaked me and Mum out… A LOT. First this black and yellow eel kept on swimming up to Mum. ( I think it knew she doesn’t like things without legs!) and then this MASSIVE green eel was hiding in the rocks all the time! There were two ( or maybe three I can’t rightly remember) types of shark there, a black-tipped shark and a white-tipped shark, meaning that the black-tipped had black tips on every fin and the same for the white-tipped, only white. I think I’ve rampaged enough about sharks, BAI! 🙂


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